Google - Software Engineer

Mountain View - CA

Data engineer at Google Play

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LinkedIn - Software Engineer

Sunnyvale - CA

Backend Java engineer in Promotions/Galapagos team

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Fair - Senior Software Engineer

Los Angeles - CA

Glorified backend Ruby on Rails developer

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Unical Aviation - Software Engineer

Los Angeles - CA

Full-stack Web, Mobile, and Windows Developer.
Project lead for API security.
Project lead for mobile applications.
Developed bots, web crawlers, and applications to streamline
various business processes.

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MyManny - Senior Software Engineer

Chattanooga - TN

Full-stack Ruby on Rails developer; overseeing 2 junior developers.
Project lead for MyManny payment platform.

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Metropolitan Ministries - Software Engineer

Chattanooga - TN

Full-stack Laravel web developer developing a forum-based website.
Enforced proper documentation and programming practices.

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Protégé - Software Engineer

Chicago - IL

Initiated a non-profit startup that serves as a platform to connect people who are willing to help community development projects.
Developed the website's front-end displays and part of the back-end logic.

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Covenant College - Computer Science Tutor

Lookout Mountain - GA

Tutored approximately 20 computer science majors with their various programming problems typically in Java or Python.

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PT. ProInt Dinamika - Software Engineer Intern

Jakarta - Indonesia

Created an Android version of the company's web application.
Developed the entire app in 9 days by myself.
Presented official demonstration to employees and managers.

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